The McDaniel ID card is the library card for active faculty, staff, and students. Alumni and local community members may request a guest card in person at the Circulation desk.
The barcode on the McDaniel ID is used to check out books from the library, and provides access to select electronic resources from the Carroll County Public Library and the Maryland State SAILOR system. Links on the Hoover Library website that require this barcode for access will have a note. To request delivery of books that belong to the Carroll County Public Library, it is necessary to use the barcode on the McDaniel ID and your individual Library pin. If you are not certain about the library pin, you may request a new pin a the Circulation desk or from the Circulation Supervisor.
Some links on the Hoover Library website indicate that a Carroll County Public Library Card is required for access. This is NOT the McDaniel ID number. McDaniel staff, faculty, and students are eligible for a Carroll County Public Library card. More information can be found here.
McDaniel students also have access to the Enoch Pratt Free Library's electronic resources. More information is here.